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Saturday, September 25, 2010

the landings of the future

Is blossom goodchild correct when she said there were to be mass sightings of you guys floating up there?

S.F.: Yes. She is correct

Then why do i keep seeing '911' almost everywhere almost every day? Will there be a bluebeam hoax?

S.F.: they were reminders to tell you the maybe it will be a mirage. We are going to land in some places, but some MAY be purposely be manipulated as a human made hologram.

So there is always a danger that the cabal will use your landings to serve their purpose?

S.F.: There is a possibility

How do we differentiate your real ships from the holograms then?

S.F. The holograms will be magical, almost etheric. But we are more solid and almost mechanical. Our ships are almost machines anyway! They are spiritual machines. We are also not dramatic, we are more realistic.

You guys arent dramatic at all huh?

S.F. We love to be dramatic, of course, but only during performances on stage. But for a worldwide event, we arent that dramatic. We don't create that much drama.

Blossom will go on and explain more in time to come too.

Friday, August 20, 2010

a conversation with.... okay nevermind

Hi what do you have to say to us today? funny i talk in the plural when referring to me

HI!! We are your friends in the sky in the Sirian make up. We have news for you!!!!!!!!

I can feel your excitement here. wasssup?

Okay we have been circulambating around your planet today and we found a strange artifact in the ocean.
It is a massive huge scale thing that is coming out the the surface as we speak. It is not at Australia as you guessed, it is innnnn

the bahamas

we have seen it coming out soon. Or not, maybe you can go there and seee for yourself, LOL
in time this thing that comes out will show the public how amazing the earth can be. it is a pole like thing stick out from the ocean floor. it is a weird science fact. the pole thing is caused by the switching of resonating forces of the year. the magnetic field has changed its make up and caused the radiation of the earth to push up in a way that resulted in a real rod like structure. If you have seen a resonating video on the internet it is at that realness.

You mean cymatics videos?

in the sense of that word, yes. Your guess is correct but not ready to understand the whole spectrum. in the future you will understand. We have a result of that place in time for you to see. we are going to see the mechanics of it in an instant. Be right back.

-drinks some tea-

there is some structure down there that is resonating upwards in a rod form. yes it in inner earth people. yes there is some form of structure theyre doing there. inclusive of today's work, it was a form that was their framework.

the building is going to beam some message into space for the advancement of humankind. in short it is a big antenna to communicate with the planetary human beings. the inner earth people have included themselves into the missing space to provide planetary assistance from the earth level. at first they arent that interested. now that the earth has already changed, they will assist.

thats all!

enjoy earth life, but not at macdonalds hopefully!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Hi, I'm going to tell you my name

I went back to my past lives, using an ultra efficient past life regression mediation by Denise Linn.
Bless her soul, she is my virtual guru. Find her regression video by searching "Tracking your spiritual DNA by Denise Linn"

I had only one other life on Earth. I was an Allied soldier living in somewhat an aristocratic family in Britain.

Going back further, I saw an unhuman human looking black-skinned, bird-headed guy, wearing a nice golden trimmed skirt looking thing. His hair, or mane, looked like a gigantic helmet. And then I gasped.

Osiris? Khonsu?

I woke and checked the egyptian history images on my iPhone.

This is how he looked like:

Dear friends, I would like to let you know, we have people from ancient Egypt, ancient Atlantis, ancient Lemuria and people from other planets and galaxies and even different dimensions in our midst. I've had the pleasure of meeting them so far in my life, and hearing their stories of their spiritual nature from mediums and monks.

We are here because we have been here before. Mother Earth is a learning place, for humans as well as for demi-gods and extra-terrestials. I love her. She is a wonderful spiritual university, and recent graduates include Mr. Jesus Christ and the wonderful Buddha.

Demi gods reincarnate as human beings as the life lessons are the greatest in this realm. We are attracted to this existence to fulfil our desire for lessons and becoming greater beings.

We have been here before, as I mentioned, and this isn't the first, nor last ascension that Gaia has provided for. We are here to help along, as guides for the rest of souls in this cycle to move on to their next destination.

I await my next lessons in life as a human being, and in the spirit of servitude, I am here, in human form, to facilitate the next ascension. We have lived here before as 'rulers' but now we are in service to others. Our greatest life lesson in this lifetime.

Thank you for all and everyone that has led to this moment. 160,000 years huh. It's been great co-creating with you.

In servitude and gratitude

Although my memory and knowledge that Khonsu had is virtually non-existent, I am slowly beginning to remember and receive guidance in dreams. I am still a human, but I am allowing learning to come back to me.

PS: If you didn't know. Ancient Egyptian 'gods' and 'goddesses' were Sirians. Told you our connections between Sirius and Earth were intimately linked. :)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Q: How can I let her (my girlfriend) relax through meditation? She doesn't like to stay still very much

A: They will let her know. They as in, the higher ups of her soul group. She will start, once she is ready for it through her experiences with her soul group mates. In case she will revert back, tell her of her make believe indescribable experience with her mates in her dreams. She has talking indigo personalities of her past lives in her dreams.

Q: How can I improve my career and money related stuff?

A: We don't know, but sources have said being interested in money helps. Hahahah

Q: In time, what is my real work for this world? I feel I haven't bloomed yet.

A: You haven't. In time, you will unleash your true energy. Now you can't. because your situation is not calling for it. When it comes, it comes in torrents. Ketchup is a nice way to put it. Tell yourself you are doing fine. We have supported you in your decisions in the past. We will continue to do it in the future. We have instructions to do so.

Q: By who?

A: Your indigoan masters. Yes, st. germain and his fellow counterparts. We have instructions to follow you and make sure you don't kill yourself, or cause yourself any harm. We can't let you just go like that. All indigoes are precious beings that will help ascension be a wonderful one.

Q: Who was I in my past life?

A: We can't tell you

Q: Why not?

A: Not allowed to, its not really in the best effort to let you know at this moment. We can't be saying that to induce something into your induced experience here on Earth.

Q: Will I know for myself?

A: Indeed you will. You have flashes dont you?

Q: What will happen on the 27th of June?

A: We can't tell you too, we have no idea since now there is a lot of fluxation in the energies. We wish to let you know a meteorite has been passed your Earth because in the times of the future, more will come. We have to let you know these meteorites are not tonnes of stones. They are not in this means of dimensions. You want to know what they are?

Q: Yes... I have an inkling they are motherships.

A: Indeed. We have motherships planting themselves further and further away from their stations in their own space societies because now it is the time you have to shine. We have to see it closer to magnify your shine in the space regions. yes, it will magnify to the rest of the solar system because all are linked, and you humans are so special.

Yes, you will see one in your skies very soon. In time to come, they will be more spaceship than light. They will be clearer to see than now. You will see times and things in other dimensions, havent you have some experience now?

Q: Yes I have and I love it. I wish to have it all the time.

A: You have it. We had installed something in your periphery. Will you please let us know of your self if they are enough?

Q: Why are my stuff disappearing and how can I get my transformer back?

A: Oh that one. We have it with us. Hahahahah. Do you still want it?


A: okay we will let you know how to get it back. Please sit up straight and tell yourself to let your mind into your inner realm. After that. turn to the mirror and let your personality lead to get you magic moves back. We will have it in this dimension.

Q: I kept telling the etheric to slow down, slow down. But I can't manifest it.

A: Its okay we have been telling you that actually. We can sense you aren't exactly ready but its a good try. We can see many things uprooting your self to your inner mind.

Q: Why was I so tired and sleepy after that?

A: You have used up your energies on your manifestation. It is not an easy thing to do, We recommend many years of practise because it is not something you do everyday. We can do it to money, but you have no desire. We can also do it to gold, but why do you not desire your wants and needs? We can help you unblock them

Q: Please help me unblock my desires. I want to feel higher desires and more intensity.

A: Please allow us some time to process. We can't help you if you are in too much denial about your insecurities about your desires. You have very intense desires that you have fought back in the past. We want you to revive them.

Q: I will, with your guidance

A: Instead of immersing yourself in meandering pools, we have summoned a guru to help you in your way. She will come by soon in the form of a personality trait. In this circumstances, she will be in your periphery with regards to her mother. There will be intense mother and daughter battles and you can be assured you have it to be in your own standing now. Beware your thoughts. Have faith you have it to be super rich. Instead of wallowing, try to improve standards of living with your daily life. bake more and cook more. Tell your mother you can become a great person if she chose to believe. are you being in pain?

Q: Yes my back

A: Can you sleep in a while? Have a daring rest. Rest in your bed soon. read yeah. yeah heaven is in a computer game. HAHAHAHAH

(for those of you confused about the last part, I was telling them I want to play my game on my iphone, recently i have been obsessed with 'Tap Resort', its addictive!)

Heaven is in a game isnt it? Happiness and cherished dreams. Yeah. Yeah! Have a cherished dream. It has the potential to come true. Vortex yeah! Yeh. Read more Abraham Hicks. We love hearing you talking about vortex stuff. In time you have it in you to have all that you want.

Blessings to all.
We love you more than we can say in this paragraph. Hahaha
If you have any questions to us, please ask us. Reb will be your conduit, she has what it takes to let you know about us and what we do and who are we.

Everyone here will receive a goodie bag in the form of having your mood uplifted and cherished. Cherish is such a cherished word. Cherish more often yeah. We have to go. See you and goodbye!

Addenda to my thoughts

This is how it went:

So through my experiences, I have seen for myself, first-hand, that life is about loving yourself, and paying attention to yourself. But it is also important to pay attention to others. Like a bus driver who is driving yet amongst his standing passengers are a few elderly women.

So, it is a pull between these two spheres of thoughts... too much of a pull to one direction will result in a certain outcome... all is in relative flux....

And then a loud thought boomed in my head: Isn't that exciting and interesting?


Thursday, June 10, 2010

hi we are you friends from sirius
in this day and night, it is more night, we say the night is coming
are you ready?
we love to say nice things but there wont be much nice things in the near future
we have to be in order with the conspiring events so that it will be in your interests to have beacon
now it is the right time to be a more intrusive persuasive writer.
we will let you know important events as they conspire
with regards to the oil spill
it is definitely not a volcano
but a mud slide
more mud than volcano, but it is not going to erupt.
it is so muddy now with weird sludge we don't know how you guys are able to cope
but it is with our respect you have the courage to face the music for your actions
in due time it is a mistake that the oil companies will take responsibility for
because there is too much at stake, his fortunes are going down.
immense fear will be sweeping across the land for its safety because of the spill
but it is taken care of by forces you cannot see.

we wont allow too much bloodshed in this episode. you are too much ascended to be too vulnerable now.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Some words from our Sirian friends

Hi! we're here on Earth, maybe thats why you havent heard from us in a long time!
The planes of existence has been turned, and you can feel the past dissolve into a nothingness state!
Oh we are here to help settle the energies down. We are doing some work on the islands of tatiana, off the coast of Africa. Take a map, its okay

(i was in doubt about this existence of an island with that kind of name, so i went to Google it. well, it does EXIST. OH MYY!!! The URL is pasted here, but its cached from a page that existed and then deleted:

Tatiana's Island

L’ilot is a place of childhood memories for Tatiana Schaub, whose family has been holidaying here since the 1930s. Located on the east coast of Mauritius, the contemporary wood and stone villa was recently rebuilt, after the original was destroyed by a cyclone, and offers a seductive sequence of Indian Ocean views from every window, door and room. The interiors are understated and utterly simple, marrying local craftmanship with sharp style. Tatiana, who lives between her apartment in Paris and this uber-stylish, super-private Indian Ocean Island getaway, rents the house out as a holiday rental. )
Back to the Sirians

(my gosh you guys do work at such a lovely location)
We do not like to be in a place of unrest, my love. Hahaha. The island is a very secluded island, and has all the stuff that we need, allow us to explain why this place.

This latitude is just right for our balancing of the earth's chakras. You notice the position of Mauritius next to the Earth's lower Tropic? It is the chakra for the base of earth. We define it as such, anyway. Do let us explain

In front of this place we are at, is the island of Madagascar. In this island lay the foundation of the work of several other star beings who had come here to take some resources from this planet. The island of Madagascar is full of rich minerals, and star beings couldn't resist. They have in turn, provided some balancing material for the planet as a way of giving thanks, so we hopped on to these materials.

This is undecided, we haven't a plan to stay for periods of time here. It was pretty cool here though.

(who was the red indian-like being i 'saw' in my room a few days ago?)
That is white feather, didnt you know?
He came over to see your being. He was just concerned because he thought you were being away from the path for a while. But we think all is okay, You look fine.

That's all we guess. sometimes, you need a holiday, we need one as well! Hahahha, we like it here in the islands. Take it from us, the sea will calm and soothe your soul because its water comes directly into contact with earth's intentions.

Take care and we'll hear from you soon my friend!