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Sunday, February 28, 2010 SINGAPORE

how cool is that
our very own love and light festival in singapore, IN SINGAPORE FTW!

Its like my spiritual dreams came true..the best thing was. I DIDNT KNOW IT EXISTED.

If on saturday, i didnt make the choice to go out to town, i wouldnt have bumped into a girl wearing the love and light t-shirt.

If I didnt follow my curiosity to google this festival, I wouldnt have known that it was for ONE DAY ONLY on THAT VERY SATURDAY

Of course the rest was easy peasy. I followed my impulses to visit the festival and i was NOT AT ALL DISAPPOINTED.

Every kind of yoga, reiki, massage, healer, healing products, organic product WAS THERE AT SUNTEC CITY UNDER ONE ROOF (im sorry, i was so excited..)

My friend, Puyee, came along and we went to several talks.
Elisabeth Jensen, the Isis and Sekhmet channeler was there, and she taught the crowded seminar group how to bend spoons. I bent it and looked around to see how the rest fared.

w00t, there was a guy who bent it, a girl who BROKE THE SPOON INTO TWO and a caucasian lady who bent it like beckham. So exciting. The rest of the crowd tried, but at least there were a few more that were bent, but not so acutely. Singaporeans can now bend spoons!

We then went to the "Talk to your crystals" seminar, where a guy, Tristan, taught us how to communicate with our crystals through a simple meditation. Of course I didnt bring any crystal of any type down, i wasn't prepared for it. So I decided to communicate with the piece of Tektite (an amalgam of Earth and a meteorite) that I'd always wear on my neck. What continued, was nothing short of amazing.

when i felt my whole body relaxing, I began to 'see' my chest area where my tektite was touching me, emit a purple/indigo glow. I was wondering, was it me, or was it my tektite? Then Tristan asked us to visualise our heart chakra. I saw it blossom infinitely like an animated gif loop. It was pink. Nobody told me it was pink, it was just pink and i wasn't expecting it to be pink and blossoming! Someone told me my heart chakra wasn't open once...

There I was being in awe with a lotus blossoming there in virtual space, when I saw a flash of purple in my mind's space. My mind started saying, or rather, the space thats in my head said,

"I was sent here to help you"

Then I bawled. Tears streamed down my cheeks like a waterfall.

I saw, in the corner of some darkness in outer space, a series of celestial events cascading down into a meteorite, pummeling through infinite space and time, till it found planet Earth and rammed into it, producing thousands and millions of tektite crystals...and somehow, one of them found its way to my father, and found its way to me.

I just bawled again and again. The immensity of the love of the celestial sphere. Not of this dimension. I am tearing now as I type this, remembering how it felt.

My friend beside me was shocked, and she tried to console me, but i was really okay, just VERY VERY OVERWHELMED by the feeling of love from another dimension that i could only mutter, "im okay" and then zone out, trying to go back into the feeling of unconditional love (there, i said it. once i asked clinton, will i find love? he replied, you will find unconditional love. and there it was.)

It was a feeling that you wanted to stay in forever, but if you stay there, you would just continue crying and crying so, to just get back to terra firma, i tried to block myself from staying in that state for too long. it took quite a while. And it took all of my packet of tissue paper to stop the teary mess that I was in.

After exiting the exhibition area, my chest felt as if someone took a crowbar and pried it WIDE OPEN. it was painful, but a happy kind of pain. It was the opposite of a heartache, but there was an ache in my heart.

Oh btw, before we went off, we hooked ourselves up to a heart rate analysis monitor.

My reading was consistent and in a nicely oscillating wave. And that corresponded to the feeling of appreciation. Ah.


All I can say is wow. Im so glad of the choices I make, and the guidance I received from my Sirian friends as they goaded me to go out via automated writing. Thank you. Thank you. 

Namaste. The universe conspires to aid your growth.

BTW, loveandlightfestival will come back in Sept! Awesomeness! 


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