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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Conversation this Halloween

So, after a long hiatus, I went back to talking to my Sirian friends. I noticed I dont have a clear 'connection' when I'm in a bad mood or feeling depressed and worried. I was having a good saturday afternoon and upbeat as i was meeting friends later, and the conversation came crystal clear. I could 'feel' their words before my hand wrote on the paper.

Sirian friends: We are all ahead of the time (which i think meant schedule). The time will come to see us in the sky. The time is on the middle of next year. the skies are going to be lit up with many beings of other planets and stars.

We are the Sirians who will be in the region of the middle Americas. That is the place of antiquity. Many years ago we were there living with other humans and civilisations. We will bring back the ancient magic of the Maya and the Incas. We are they who are of Sirian heritage.

Many of those who will assist and evolve this world are coming to the planet as we speak. Those are serious planters of a great man (?? who ??). We will be around to see the world change.

We will be around in the skies, joined by the Arcturians, Pleiadians, Maya, Tau Cetians, Mid Earth Men and the Ioto (??) THey are the ones who will be in the skies. We drive circular ships. The triangular ones are from middle earth, the typical UFO shaped ones are from the Pleiadians. Tau Cetians arrive in jet-like modules. Yes, jets are from the Tau Cetians.

You can hear them (the ETs) speak if you are in a state of meditation or in the mood of being in a trance. We can speak but the language isnt very familiar, they sound like a dialect to some.

R: What can we do in the meanwhile? Its a long time.

S.F.: We think you can be involved with more activities that are close to your heart. You are a rocker, go and get the beat on!


S.F.: We will be in touch.

okay, anyone wants to form a rock band? lol

Havent been posting

I haven't been posting here for a couple of days because I've received news about decloakings (yes, they said it is going to happen) and about a part of myself.

All i can say that there are angels around and they are here to help you, instead of you worshipping/wishing/praying to them.

They are at our beck and call and there's nothing else they would love to do than to help us when we need it. The thing is, we HAVE to KNOW what we want to do and what we want to achieve. They will help, but you gotta give them a direction of action.

I must say I have had a few misgivings about blogging about decloakings of ships, but I read an article which said "That which is loved cannot be feared."

I don't think it's time for me to feel fearful about being looked as a loony or being judged by my peers. However, I do know letting them know the 'truth' the best way possible is ideal. What's ideal may not be really a direct way to the truth.

Perhaps thats why during my life journey, I've studied advertising. To let the public know about an idea, the most ideal way possible. LOL

First Contact is real. I know what i saw in the skies back in the 90s and in this year (3 sightings). You just see them flying around so serenely like it was the most naturally thing to ever happen on earth.

I deduce they will appear more often until they're like flies in the sky, you know they're there, but you won't be screaming in fear. You'd be "Oh, that's just a UFO"

Fun times. I think humans are more flexible and adaptable than we expect them to be. Even though the harshest critic/cynic of UFOs will be "oh, okay, that's an UFO" when presented with one flying around his/her immediate sky.

It was always been my intention to serve as a messenger, this site was meant to record my conversations with my Sirian friends (or..well.. other friends) and not for self. I mean, i don't make any money and my reputation is on the line, not that I mind, considering my friends already treat me as an UFO-enthusiast.

I hope any reader to this site will come with an open mind and not as an excuse to pinpoint mistakes and critique for the sake of criticising.

Love to all this Halloween!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

My Main Problem

i believe i suffer from a unique problem

i treat my creative ideas like how the average joe treats ufos

i get an idea...god knows how boomz it may be, but i wont believe in them.


i'll tell everyone else, theyd be excited about the idea. and then i will think its crap.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Didnt See Em, But...

Guess what, I dreamt of them. LOL

I dreamt a UFO landed in the day and i was at the bottom parts of it, looking around (very mechanical parts) and then it flew off, with light gusts of air coming out from its perimeter, showing the exact shape of the ship.

Didnt see any beings. Just the ship.

------------------[ edit ]----------------------------------------------------

Okay, so I went and asked them why they didn't show up. They said they were in the US parading around to more human beings -rolls eyes- Hahaha!
As for the ship I saw in my dream, my Sirian friends had a peculiar thing to say. They said it was a ship from the Galactic Federation!

Now, why on Earth and beyond do the G.Fs want to show me their spacecraft in my dream? Here's the reply from my Sirian friends:

S: They're a little scared you won't believe they exist.

R: That is peculiar, why should they be scared at all???

S: (ok the original explanation is rather lengthy and there are a few things they didn't wish to say, so i summarised it a bit here)
Well, the G.F. is definately real. Blossom Goodchild is real. The G.F. has been doing this type of work for a very long time, and with some reports of them being fake, they wish to let you know they are real. They are human afterall...

R: So why didnt I see anyone driving the ship as it took off in my dream?

S: Theyre all in the 5th dimension, thats why you can't see them!

Okay, so I've asked them to draw their Sirian ship and I've included a little sketch of the Galactic Federation ship I saw in my dream as well.

Here it is:

Of course the GF is made of many star nations from all parts of the galaxy and beyond, however, I only saw this model of spacecraft in my dream. The top is translucent, like a black dome of glass, something like the UV tinted screens of earth cars. The lower part is...brown/silvery? The only way i can describe the bottom is that it is siliconish. Like a metal/plastic hybrid. The gusts of wind below the ship as it flew wasn't unpleasant at all, in fact i liked it. The whole atmosphere surrounding the craft was somewhat neutral, I was curious in looking into the dome windows.

In my dream that craft was probably the diameter of like 20 metres? They're big but not exactly very big.

Ive noticed my Sirian friends don't take everything too seriously, they are always upbeat and in a witty mood. LOL
sleepy and i didnt see them. cloudy and overcast too. zzzz

Scaring Middle America

R: Hi, where are you guys now?

S: We're flying around trying to scare people with out lights. We're at the midwest region, just passed Atlanta. No, it's Georgia! (theyre the same, well, atlanta is in georgia)

S: We're here to do a little peekaboo with with people.

R: Why do you want to scare the people there?

S: They're very set in their ways, its good to shake their beliefs.

R: So you guys know of the supposed landings that will happen in the football stadium next month?

S: OH! Yes, but we are just going to see a big spacecraft in the sky. They will not be a good olonto (??) on the ship.

R: Not a good person?

S: Not a person.

R: A reptilian?

S: Yes! Reptilian!

R: Are they working with the Earth cabal?

S: Yes, Very good (that you have made the connection)

R: Whats the reason that they want to target the people there?

S: They want to be a hero! We think its not going to work.

S: We are coming to see you!

R: Me? I will be able to see you outside my window? (there was once i saw a blinking light that was changing to red then blue outside my window before. It disappeared in ten minutes. no cloud cover)

S: Yes! We will be there in a few hours.

R: How do i know its you?

S: We are very bright with many colors. We will see you there!

R: Okay! See you!

S: Bye!

Hopefully I will be able to take a hi-res shot with my camera later, if they do appear outside my window

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Moon & Disclosure

Tues, 13 October 12.35pm. Automatic Writing.

Qtn: Can you tell me what they really did to the moon on friday?

Ans: Well, for starters, it wasnt a hole. It was a BIG HOLE. They bombed another side of the moon, not that southern place where they said. There is nothing there, but there are things on the dark side. They bombed that region. But we allowed them to anyways, because it doesn't really matter, we're still here, hahahah! (They said they were staying on/around the moon too)

Qtn: So what's gonna happen during October 25th?

Ans: Nothing really. The stories behind this could have been a hoax.

Qtn: Why was I so moody and bitter last weekend and now I'm suddenly okay?

Ans: That was a series of many emotional frequencies that will be sent to you and challenge your environment. The emotions are to 'see' your situation. If the situation is not advisable will be help. (Cool, so now I'm helping them help myself to recce my life. LOL)

Qtn: Will Barack Obama disclose anything about UFOs later this year?

Ans: Disclosure, yes, but not on front page news because Obama will not be disclosing anything! It will be a very very small report. Sad!

Nov 28 2009 is the date to be alert for news on disclosure. (I'm not guaranteeing anything y'all!)

Qtn: Can you tell me more about yourselves?

Ans: We are a group of 4th dimension beings from Sirius (no obvious name given, perhaps its not needed. I refer to them as my Sirian friends)

Me: Okay I GTG, enjoy yourselves on the moon!

Ans: Have fun on the moon? There's nothing here! Hahaha

Me: Haha Bye I love you all!

Ans: Bye! We love you more!

About Cars

I was in a bus, looking at a particular car model that i liked (the Honda Civic 2008). I was admiring the svelte curves when a loud thought in my head boomed:

"Why do you like these metal cans?"

I adamantly thought back, "Hey, but youre the ones flying around in tin cans"

Sirians: "They are not made of tin, they are made of silicon and PVC. High grade PVC that endure the extreme heat and cold of space"

I laughed.

Okay, so we're the ones moving around in tin cans.

The Higgs Boson

Me: What IS the Higgs Boson?

Sirians: Higgs is you. It is the godliness of a soul

Me: Where could we find it?

Sirians: It will be found in spirit.

What is this blog about?

Hi, my name is Reb.
I'm about to do something that may cause me to look like a lunatic who is deserving of a trip to the psychologist, however, its been a year that i've been autowriting.

Yup, I've been having conversations on paper and pen with a group of beings who call themselves my sirian friends. of course, they said 'Your Sirian friends' which means mine, but i don't think they want to be mine alone.

The effort to get their words onto the Internet, means my friends can be your friends too. And since theyre friendly and I'm (i think) friendly, we could do with more friends.

I don't particularly like to blog in a precise manner, so i apologise beforehand at my apparent lack of organisation.

My friends say they're from the 4th dimension Sirius. Well if you know astronomy, Sirius is made up of 3 stars but there are planets, in 3d and 4d around these stars that intelligent lifeforms inhabit. And they know how to communicate...telepathically. For the lack of a better word, i can't say theyre talking to me telepathically, because ideas and attitudes pop up into mind whenever i'm talking to them.

sometimes my ego gets in the way, i try my best not to let it interfere.

erm. well i guess if youre here, its not a coincidence!