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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Didnt See Em, But...

Guess what, I dreamt of them. LOL

I dreamt a UFO landed in the day and i was at the bottom parts of it, looking around (very mechanical parts) and then it flew off, with light gusts of air coming out from its perimeter, showing the exact shape of the ship.

Didnt see any beings. Just the ship.

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Okay, so I went and asked them why they didn't show up. They said they were in the US parading around to more human beings -rolls eyes- Hahaha!
As for the ship I saw in my dream, my Sirian friends had a peculiar thing to say. They said it was a ship from the Galactic Federation!

Now, why on Earth and beyond do the G.Fs want to show me their spacecraft in my dream? Here's the reply from my Sirian friends:

S: They're a little scared you won't believe they exist.

R: That is peculiar, why should they be scared at all???

S: (ok the original explanation is rather lengthy and there are a few things they didn't wish to say, so i summarised it a bit here)
Well, the G.F. is definately real. Blossom Goodchild is real. The G.F. has been doing this type of work for a very long time, and with some reports of them being fake, they wish to let you know they are real. They are human afterall...

R: So why didnt I see anyone driving the ship as it took off in my dream?

S: Theyre all in the 5th dimension, thats why you can't see them!

Okay, so I've asked them to draw their Sirian ship and I've included a little sketch of the Galactic Federation ship I saw in my dream as well.

Here it is:

Of course the GF is made of many star nations from all parts of the galaxy and beyond, however, I only saw this model of spacecraft in my dream. The top is translucent, like a black dome of glass, something like the UV tinted screens of earth cars. The lower part is...brown/silvery? The only way i can describe the bottom is that it is siliconish. Like a metal/plastic hybrid. The gusts of wind below the ship as it flew wasn't unpleasant at all, in fact i liked it. The whole atmosphere surrounding the craft was somewhat neutral, I was curious in looking into the dome windows.

In my dream that craft was probably the diameter of like 20 metres? They're big but not exactly very big.

Ive noticed my Sirian friends don't take everything too seriously, they are always upbeat and in a witty mood. LOL


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