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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Conversation this Halloween

So, after a long hiatus, I went back to talking to my Sirian friends. I noticed I dont have a clear 'connection' when I'm in a bad mood or feeling depressed and worried. I was having a good saturday afternoon and upbeat as i was meeting friends later, and the conversation came crystal clear. I could 'feel' their words before my hand wrote on the paper.

Sirian friends: We are all ahead of the time (which i think meant schedule). The time will come to see us in the sky. The time is on the middle of next year. the skies are going to be lit up with many beings of other planets and stars.

We are the Sirians who will be in the region of the middle Americas. That is the place of antiquity. Many years ago we were there living with other humans and civilisations. We will bring back the ancient magic of the Maya and the Incas. We are they who are of Sirian heritage.

Many of those who will assist and evolve this world are coming to the planet as we speak. Those are serious planters of a great man (?? who ??). We will be around to see the world change.

We will be around in the skies, joined by the Arcturians, Pleiadians, Maya, Tau Cetians, Mid Earth Men and the Ioto (??) THey are the ones who will be in the skies. We drive circular ships. The triangular ones are from middle earth, the typical UFO shaped ones are from the Pleiadians. Tau Cetians arrive in jet-like modules. Yes, jets are from the Tau Cetians.

You can hear them (the ETs) speak if you are in a state of meditation or in the mood of being in a trance. We can speak but the language isnt very familiar, they sound like a dialect to some.

R: What can we do in the meanwhile? Its a long time.

S.F.: We think you can be involved with more activities that are close to your heart. You are a rocker, go and get the beat on!


S.F.: We will be in touch.

okay, anyone wants to form a rock band? lol


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for posting the link to this. All that you write is true, and is confirmation to me of my own experience.
So let us move forward, releasing our need for anger and choosing love in each step, and of course choosing a good beat for the journey!

Reid Scott Anderson said...

I am starting to play the cajon....happy to engage.

Reid Scott Anderson said...

I believe you...really I really..stop looking at me like that. Ever thought your reason for being is to...sorry I gotta get the phone...see ya late rock!!

reb said...

Thanks Hannah!
lol reid

Reid Scott Anderson said...

Okay I'm back now...where did everybody go? Bangcock?

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