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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A word from our theta friends

here is no need for a name my friends
my name or, names, are hyperion and thatra, there is more than one of us here

Hi we are from the planet in a place known to you as the theta star system,
introducing the newest kind of species here to look at your progress

we have no eyes, just a momentary body
in this plane and the next. yeah we have no bodies. allow us to explain
the planes above this and beyond are not 3dimensional. thats a form that is in 4 or 5 dimensional

thats right, dream like
(my sleeping dog just made noises in his dreams)
there are more beings in your dog than one. he is not in a moment of distress, he is barking at their movements because they are taking over his body. he likes to be in control of his dog body

(about the new earth)
that is a place of thinner air. the world you are being introduced is more etheric and more dreamlike. in the past, you have seen this new earth. well he is going through the transitional phase and so are you. your dreams are so much more real and the reality is so much more dreamlike. the trick is to be as one. the dreams will tell you your reality in the next plane while your reality now is you manifestation of what was before that following dream. there is no seperate reality. all is in your dream. be aware that your life has been taking a huge blow because of others from the 3dimension are still in that dimension while you have already moved upwards to the third and fourth dimensional frequency. the brain is moving at a higher plane now and its not longer settled in this dimension.

the clash of dimensions can be avoided when you dont feel these third dimensional frequencies. allow your mind to only operate higher up. 

in the future, we have india and pakistan being more than friends. they will be one country as in the future there will be a borderless system of governance. instead, the government is a more integrated place with more intelligent thinking systems and less of the corrupt people you see. we have the ways to more thinking society when we come over and give you some ideas. please take it into consideration, a post of the former. the government position of a more ancillary approach to mankind's problem solving. you can be a official to this phase. accept it when it comes. (cool!)

we have a message for the others in this plane
this will not affect you (ok, listen up american friends)

in the near future, we have a means of taking stock of thinking patterns and momentary fluctuations in emotion. take precautions to guard your emotions against intelligent life forms as they will try to use this emotions for their use. dont fall for their emotional devices, they can use it for their advantage. instead, come from a place of higher dimensions, their devices may not hurt you there. intelligence will not be affected, this is where the yin portion of existence can actually be of a better part of life.

we tell this to the more directly affected countries of the united states and the united kingdom. they have no qualms of doing things to their citizens. other countries are not so oppressive into their movements.

thank you my friends on earth, we will be hearing each other soon, we love your planet and your existence in this plane. thats all for now, then. till then, we have a long way to go before we actually have you here on our plane. be alight!


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