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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Hi its sunday again

time for an update

"this time we have news for the rest of the world. It is imperative you disseminate here.

There is a being in the sky thats hovering around the region of norway right now, you've seen it, its the spiral. its not a spiral, its a being of light that is coming over here. The destroyer is not its name. It is the world leader. thats right. It is Maitreya. He is not a destroyer. well. Maybe to some in the country of the USA

We have been telling you its the world leader thats coming. He will make his moment known to the rest of the world once he has a stable footing in the 3rd dimension, He will know you, and he will allow his men to create a new environment for the new earth that is in the wake of the next  millenium. this is the last millenium of existence.. the next millenium starts in your number of years, two.

So, will you be prepared for this result? Yes, we love it.

There is no light or dark polarity to maitreya. he is of both moments.
The hole in the spiral was created by a vaccuum in ether. He has landed and will not need the spiral to connect his energies here anymore. He has come in the previous cycles to invoke the planet into a higher existence. So you are here now and will see him exist. This existence will be invoked to a higher realm and you are here to bear witness to such an eventful climax of a civilization's existence. We love it, and you will too when it comes.

Be assured you will invoke more meaningful thought to what is happening along the globe. The hand of Maitreya will be of a productive one. He will make the warring countries stabilize and therefore stop wars. He will exorcise the rest of the unneeded folk at the US treasury and pentagon forever. This will come as a surprise to some, but it will be needed to know that he will be taking over the us seat soon. we have indication it will be coming in this year, but you cant be too sure because the moment may pass when it is needed.

to this we say, have a good ride!


exciting is it not? :)


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